Signing Off For Now….

Posted: January 24, 2011 in Uncategorized

After giving some super serious thought for a few weeks, I’ve decided with a heavy heart to shut down this blog for now.  I’ll be honest, I’ve been struggling to get this blog off the ground.  For one, I didn’t do the proper planning that I needed to do (especially after reading the advice of Kristen Lamb on her series on blogging!) and two, I’m managing two other blogs, making my time and efforts severly stretched!

But, you’re not rid of me so easily!  For now you can catch me over on my publishers blog, Visual Adjectives, where I’m implementing some exciting changes so you can read more of my craziness over there!

This isn’t the end of this blog though and when I get it back off the ground, trust me, you all will be the first to know!  Thanks so much for putting up with my rantings thus far and I’ll catch you guys over on the Visual Adjectives blog!

Thanks again for all of your support and comments! 🙂


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Trailer: Camelot

Posted: January 14, 2011 in TV Reviews
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I caught this video trailer on one my fav sites IO9.  Due to premiere on April 1st on Starz, just 16 days before Game of Thrones, the website asked their readers if this will outshine Game of Thrones.   

My opinion:  I don’t think so.

The storyline looks good and I love the fact of a female villan vying for the throne.  However, the plot looks very linear, whereas Game of Thrones has much more plot lines, alterior motives, and conflicts for the mind to digest.  From the looks of this trailer, Game of Thrones seems to have more dynamic characters and more epic fantasy candy than Camelot.

That said, you take a look and let me know what you think!

I have a confession to make:  My writing brain is fried!

I’ve been furiously at work trying to make a deadline to my editor for the first few chapters of my debut novel and it’s been crazy!  I summoned every ounce of creative mojo in my arsenal, not leaving enough to put up an awesome post. 

So instead of letting the crickets keep singing their song on this blog, I wanted to share some pheonomenal blog posts I’ve had a chance to check out that are not only educational but very entertaining!

Why Your Novel Won’t Get Published (Ten Reasons) – Terrible Minds

This guy is absolutely hilarious!  I love the way he tells it like it is!

Developing Your Unique Writing Voice – Kristen Lamb’s Blog

She is one of my favorite bloggers and her posts are always full of great info and funny analogies!

When does a bad movie become a must-watch spectacle? – IO9

This was more entertaining than anything else, but it does make you think about why you  love some of the bad movies in your life!

The Writer’s Enemy List Part IV—Over-Praisers – The Best Damn Creative Blog

The picture they use is priceless and the information very valuable – (overpraisers are monsters in disguise people!)

I hope you all enjoy and I will be back on the blogging wagon very soon!

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.

I brought in the first day of the New Year locked on to the SyFy channel watching the Twilight Zone.  I never realized how much I appreciated these black and white 30 minute episodes until this past weekend.  Seeing the brilliant Rod Sterling make sci fi magic on the screen prompted me to discuss the two big reasons why The Twilight Zone is one of the best TV series  ever (I really do mean ever)

It’s all about the Story Telling

I would take the cheesy martians, toy spaceships, and black and white episodes any day because the story telling is amazing!  It’s like taking a flash fiction piece and putting it on screen.  You have to be an excellent writer if you only have 30 minutes to hook your viewer, tell story, reveal a moral, and provide an ending no one could see coming.  There are movie writers out there that can’t do that in a two hour movie!  Special effects don’t mean anything unless there is a great story to back that up.  Because they didn’t have CGI back then, this show had to have great stories.

The Underlying Social Issues

In the episode Number Twelve Looks Just Like You the year is 2000, where every girl at 17 undergoes a physical transformation to be beautiful and perfect (not that far off huh?).  One line that stuck out to me was when the main character, who didn’t want to go through with it, said that if everyone is beautiful, no one really is.  In The Little People it explored the danger of man’s God-complex when he discovers a world of little people.  And we can’t forget the poetic justice in People Are Alike All Over, when a man explores Mars to find Martians that look just like humans.  I could on but I just loved how each episode used a farfetched story to convey a not-so farfetched social issue – in 30 minutes!

Watching the marathon made me long for the days of purposeful storytelling which is being sacrificed more and more these days to flashy special effects and picture perfect actors. 

What about you? Are you a big fan of the Twilight Zone?


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“The Rite” Movie Trailer

Posted: January 5, 2011 in Movie Reviews

Anthony Hopkins at an Exorcism school?  Hmmmmm….. I’m interested!

My New Year’s Writing Resolutions

Posted: January 3, 2011 in Writing
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Happy New Year!!

I am soo psyched about 2011!  At first, I had a million and one things I want to achieve this year like write like a maniac every day or lose 20 pounds in like two week – but I know the holiday hype can lead to a lot of unrealistic expectations.  So after coming down from the midnight high I came up with a few concrete resolutions and goals that I want to make this year.

Be Fully Committed to my Story

Last year, I have made three major changes to my storyline that required duplicating a lot of time and effort.  Now I found one I really like, but I can’t help but feel uneasy about it, because I have felt “sure” about the other ones.  It’s hard when you have a concept that can take so many different story forms with a new one always sounding better than the last.  However, I can’t spin my wheels any longer and it’s time to knuckle down and toss those fears to the side.  My story and I have to recommit to each other – for better or worse!

Set a Writing Schedule

As organized as I am in all other aspects of my life, I found it difficult to adhere to a writing schedule.  I was involved in other writing projects that seemed to take up a lot of my time and I was only able to write in large chunks of time.  This year, I’m on a deadline as well as being held accountable by my writing peers and editors.  So I created a schedule with monthly goals to strive for each month that all add up to the big goal of getting my book ready for a 2011 publication.

Continue to Learn my Craft

I didn’t start visiting and reading other writing blogs until late last year.  I learned so much about writing, plot structure, story and character arcs, and world building.  I still have a lot more to learn and I plan to dedicate more of time to continue learning and improving my craft through following more blogs and getting books on writing.

I know this year is going to be a hard working one for me but that’s okay!  I am getting to do what I love and I now have a solid plan to do it!

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?  I would love to hear them!

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Happy New Year!

Posted: December 30, 2010 in Uncategorized


I know I may be a little early but I didn’t want to miss wishing you guys an awesome New Year!

This week has proven to be a more hectic than anticipated explaining why I havent been around this week. So I’m taking a mini break this week to get everything situated and ready for the New Year!  I hope you all have an awesome time this week and wish you all the luck in your New Year resolutions!

I’ll catch up with you guys next week!

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Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 24, 2010 in Uncategorized

Wishing you and yours an AWESOME Christmas! 

Fantasy Christmas
I’ll catch you guys next week!

Christmas is almost upon us my friends and the holiday madness is only moments from starting!  So I thought it would take this time to share some of the cool artwork from Frederic St-Arnaud an artist I just discoverd after coming across this first picture.  If his work doesn’t get your creative blood going I don’t know what will!

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image


Totally awesome huh???!!

All photos courtesy of:

As you know I have been nose deep in world building work for my novel.  I’ve been researching biomes, trees, plants, animals, animals that eat the other animals, rivers, the critters in the rivers – well you get the idea.  World Building is a ton of fun and the more you get into it, the more you’re world comes alive.  It becomes this living and breathing place that exists completely on its own and independent of the story.  I saw my world coming together and the more I got into it, the more engrossed I was in my world.

Though I made excellent progress, I think I got carried away.   I lost sight of my main character.

I read this excellent blog post  on Anna Staniszewski’s Blog about world building through your character and it’s just confirmed what my writing partners hipped me too – you can do all the elaborate tree naming and fruit creating in the world but you can’t forget the person who has to navigate through it.  I got so wrapped up in creating my world that I completely forgot about my main character Damaris.  Even worse, I was overwhelming myself with so many details, not discerning first what was necessary to flesh out and what wasn’t.

So how do you keep from falling into this trap and make your world building more effective?  It all starts with a really simple exercise of free writing.

Take your main character and take him/her through your main city/forest/town/village.  While your character is “talking” to you via first POV keep the following questions in mind:

·         What is the very first thing he notices?

·         What does she smell?  Does it remind her of anything familiar or stir up a memory she would rather not remember?

·         What would he most likely want to buy in the market place?

·         Would she be caught dead in the tavern?

·         What does he think of the common people?  Does he feel at home or are they beneath him?

·         What are some things he has never seen before?  Strange aliens?  Exotic fruits?  Or even centaurs?  How does he react?

·         What does she hate most about this forest?  Too many trees?  Too many bugs?

·         What was the most memorable part of her trip?

I learned so much about my character when I wrote about her visiting the city of Ophira for the first time.  I learned about her favorite places, what she has never seen before, and those places she would rather not go.  Taking that information I was able to tailor my world building to my character’s experiences, using her as a guide to what’s important in my world.

How about you?  How has your main character help your world building?

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